As most social media users know, today is Bell Canada's "Let's Talk" day. This day is designed to raise awareness about mental illness and get rid of the stigma that surrounds mental illness all over the world. Around 43 million Americans suffer from some kind of mental illness, with even more getting diagnosed each and every day. No matter what the illness is, it is important that we don't continue to create a stigma around it and treat people that live with mental illness as if they are just crazy, or sad, or nervous. I have struggled with both Attention Deficit Disorder and generalized anxiety disorder since middle school. My first and only struggle with a bout of true depression began last October and ended at the beginning of December. My anxiety set in soon after the loss of my best friend in fifth grade, when I began to realize that every day is not promised to us and you can lose everything in the blink of an eye. My best friend was my rock and getting t...